At Cuddle Sanctuary I like to expand the definition of the word “cuddle.” Here’s a perfect example. In this video I explore an intermediate cuddle activity – eye gazing. Eye gazing is a way to get to know someone without words.

How often to you get to connect with another human being quietly? For me, I really cherish the silence of it. I talk so much in my life. I talk when I work; I talk on the phone. So many words! What a relief to be quiet for a while and see what’s going on with another person. When I eye gaze I wonder how the person is doing. The person becomes a mystery to me and that can be fun.

When’s the last time you looked really deeply into the eyes of another human being. Perhaps you’d like to try this activity with a friend or loved one. You can set a timer for a minute and see how it goes. I’d love to hear what you discover about the person in front of you. Feel free to comment below!