5 Tips to Get More Hugs

5 Tips to Get More Hugs

Have you ever felt hungry for a hug? I sure have. Recently, I found myself alone in a new environment for a few days. I was at an academic training surrounded by strangers outside of my cuddly world. Without my usual access to hugs and emotional connection, I felt...
3 Ways to Get Better at Saying “No”

3 Ways to Get Better at Saying “No”

Hi, I’m Fei, and I’m a recovering Yes-a-holic. For most of my life, “No” has been a dirty word. I’ve always been a people pleaser. Not only did I grow up in a collectivist culture, there’s something about playing a part in another person’s happiness that helps me feel...
4 Secret Ingredients of a Super Yummy Cuddle

4 Secret Ingredients of a Super Yummy Cuddle

Have you ever experienced an ahh-mazing cuddle? I certainly have! My favorite cuddles are ones where we both are in sync and I feel like I can completely let go and be myself. Tate and I have both been lucky to create lots of fun, amazing, powerful cuddles, both in...