At Cuddle Sanctuary, we sometimes take nouns and make them into verbs. A perfect example is “meerkatting.” A meerkat is an adorable mammal with a long tail and pointy nose. When meerkats are foraging for food, one member of the group acts as a sentry. That’s when you’ll see a meerkat stand tall and look around to scan the environment.

At Cuddle Sanctuary, participants might find themselves laying down in a row, spooning with friends and talking. One person in the group might get curious what else is happening in the room and poke their head up and look around. That’s meerkatting!

As I write this, I’m thinking it might be hard to imagine what I’m talking about. It might seem really foreign if you’ve never been to one of these events. Within the group, many of us find the word and behavior of meerkatting very funny. It captures the spirit of silliness that often arrives at our cuddle workshops.

Curious what it’s all about? I hope you’ll join us!