It’s Finally Ready
You can now buy our new cuddle positions class by clicking here.
Want to Win It For Free?
You can qualify to win the class for free. Today at 4:00pm PST, we’re hosting a Facebook Live Party. To win the class, be among the first five people to design and name your own cuddle position. You can use stuffed animals, draw a stick figure or use actual humans. (Keep it rated G folks!) An example would be the photo above. That’s me and Steph demonstrating a position called “Lap of Luxury.” Depict your own positions. Name it and then post your masterpiece in the comments during our Facebook Live Party today. Get your time zone right:
4:00pm Pacific Standard Time (Los Angeles)
5:00pm Mountain Daylight Time (Denver)
6:00pm Central (Chicago)
7:00pm Eastern (New York)
See you there!