I created something new for Cuddle Sanctuary. It’s something that I was terrified to step into because it felt too big for me. And when I finally clicked “Publish” on the web page, my heart bloomed with pride and optimism. I’ve come back to the page several times just to feel the good feelings!


The thing I’ve created is the Cuddle Sanctuary Partnership Program.

Sometimes writing a web page can feel effortful and like a chore. Not this time. As I reflected on the idea of introducing Cuddle Sanctuary communities around the world, the words just flowed.


And the two words that kept coming to mind as I wrote were “compassion” and “worker.”

I’ve come to see my day-to-day duties running Cuddle Sanctuary as my way to bring more compassion into the world. Whether I’m brainstorming a new theme for a workshop, meeting with Fei to discuss operational concerns or giving an Affection Spa Treatment to a new client, my life feels purposeful. I get to express compassion daily and there’s certainly work involved – but it’s joyful work! And so quietly, in the privacy of my own mind, I’ve begun to see myself as a Compassion Worker. I checked with Fei – she feels it, too!


The reason I’m outing myself as a Compassion Worker is because the Partnership Program is an invitation for others (you?) to join me around the world. With this web page and blog, I am putting out a call to find my people, my team, my family of fellow Compassion Workers.

Does this work speak to you? Do you feel a yearning to be a community leader in your town or city? You can learn about the program here

I can’t wait to hear from you.

Cuddle On!

PS: I first heard the phrase Compassion Worker from Travis Ash who thinks he may have heard it from someone else. I just Googled it and am surprised – nothing! If you think you know the source of the phrase, let me know.