I came to L.A. to be an actor…
I came to Los Angeles when I was seventeen years old. I had a chip on my shoulder because I didn’t like when adults told me that my dream to be a working actor was too big and that finding success would be too hard. Their discouragement made me want to succeed even...

What’s the Point of Professional Cuddler Training? (Video)
When I first learned about professional cuddling, I knew that was the perfect job for me. Because it was such a new industry at the time, there weren't any options for training as I set out on my career. I had to learn some things the hard way, and quite truthfully...
Behind the Scenes at Cuddle Sanctuary – Spotlight on Ahuva Novak
Cuddle Sanctuary used to be just me – Jean Franzblau – having monthly events at friends’ houses. Since those days we now offer several sanctuaries per week, have been featured in the national media, and now teach two - 3-day courses. How did we get so far so quickly?...

3 Reasons Why it’s Hard to Touch Our Friends (Video)
Ever wonder why cuddling with friends isn't more of a thing? Have you found yourself in sexual situations looking for intimacy and been disappointed? In this short and fun video, Maya & Fei share three of the main cultural and emotional barriers to platonic...

What it’s really like for me to offer free hugs (video)
Every Wednesday afternoon I bike to the Santa Monica Farmer’s Market wearing a Free Hugs t-shirt. And every week I look forward to offering free hugs even though it’s hard. After I lock up my bicycle on Second Street and walk south to my routine spot next to a flower...

The Language of Touch
I never used to give touch much thought. Especially in my twenties, touch was something that happened incidentally - in romantic relationships, when dancing, during sex etc. I knew I needed closeness and intimacy, I just missed connecting it to touch somehow. Because...

I Started Having Sexual Thoughts at a Cuddle Event (with video)
It happened. I was at a cuddle event and started having sexual thoughts about a fellow attendee. Oops. I noticed myself starting to feel ashamed that my thoughts were inappropriate and creepy. "These aren't the thoughts that I'm supposed to be having at a cuddle!" I...

Loneliness and the Practice of Nourishing Our Needs
I’m really bad at feeding myself. I’ve always struggled with keeping consistent mealtimes. Caring for my body can sometimes be an afterthought, and I tend to only notice my hunger when it’s a bit too late, and I have to scramble to eat something - anything - to be...

What Your Cat Can (And Can’t ) Teach You About Body Language
Chantal Harte is a massage therapist living and working in Nosara, Costa Rica. She’s also a student of our upcoming professional cuddler certification program. When we met via Skype this week, I was impressed with her background dedicated to the healing arts. Later,...

When it’s Not a “Hell Yes!”
In a perfect world, we would only ever do anything we were a “Hell Yes!” about. There would be no hesitation, no having to make compromises, nothing but getting exactly what we want, how we want it, when we want it. Unfortunately, the truth of reality is that our...