Are You a Giver Because You Don’t Know How to Receive?

Are You a Giver Because You Don’t Know How to Receive?

“What would you like to do?” I probably asked that question a dozen times or more at my very first Cuddle Sanctuary. Oh, I was having a blast! There I was, bouncing from one side of the room to another, connecting with this person, and that person, and then that other...
Holding Hands With Strangers: Is That Really strange?

Holding Hands With Strangers: Is That Really strange?

The word “stranger” has been on my mind lately. It keeps finding me everywhere! It might have something to do with that show on Netflix I have been binge watching… But then, also this past week, I was lucky to attend a talk by author and researcher Brené Brown. She...
Our Kind of Nightclub (A Blog from Louis)

Our Kind of Nightclub (A Blog from Louis)

I’m Louis, Client Coordinator for Cuddle Sanctuary. Ever since I first discovered Cuddle Sanctuary back in early 2015, it has been a staple of my wellness practice. More importantly, however, it is an important part of my social calendar. Recently, it struck me that...
How Do I Know If I Have Consent?

How Do I Know If I Have Consent?

If you’ve been on social media over the past week, you may have noticed your feed being flooded with #metoo and #Iwashim posts. It’s been a heavy week for many. Some of us have been reliving past traumas. Others of us are grappling with the fact we’ve been...