Certification for Cuddle Event Leaders


Now Enrolling: May 31 – June 28th 2025


Yes! You Can Lead Group Events Full of Kindness and Cuddles!

Even if you’ve never led an event before…



Learn about the 5 Week Online Class (below)

One-on-one mentorships available now.

Learn about In-Person Intensives





“I know that hugs are so good for people – the pandemic has made that need even more urgent.”
“The world needs more warmth and goodwill. I want to help people come together.”
“I know people might not understand what I’m doing, but I feel called to do this. I want to lead cuddle events!”


I understand!


Time and time again people say that my events have changed their lives. I’ve experienced the connection, intimacy, meaning, and fun I’ve always wanted. 

And then the pandemic. And now the political climate.

Many people understand now – more than ever – we need connection, we need kindness, and we need each other.

The world needs more cuddling!

There are three things a cuddle event leader needs:

Event Design
Facilitation Skills


Event Design

Imagine a photo of a cuddle event in full swing. People are smiling in a puppy pile of happy humans. It looks easy, relaxed, and peaceful. If you’ve attended cuddle events already, you may already know that without structure, guidelines, and an environment of trust, it can go sideways in numerous ways. The solution is in the event design. I’ve spent years testing, adapting, and refining Cuddle Sanctuary Socials. Let me show you the method. In this certification program, I’ll share all of my secrets, tips, and techniques that create the social safety, camaraderie, and magical moments that make Cuddle Sanctuary events so special.

Facilitation Skills

Working with groups successfully requires presentation skills, self awareness, and being able to “read the room.” Facilitation skills are baked into this course. You’ll emerge with the knowledge and experience for leading not just cuddle experiences but any workshop or event. If you’re a seasoned workshop leader, this course will take your abilities to the next level. It’s like getting a two for one! I’ve worked with groups for over twenty years as a corporate trainer presenting in eight countries with groups large and small. Bottom line – when it comes to facilitation skills – I’ve got you covered.


I remember the first cuddle events that I offered to the public. I was terrified. Who would show up at the door? Would I be able to handle every situation? I wish I had then what I have now – a community of friends and colleagues that I can go to with questions, concerns, and challenges. This certification program includes access to the Cuddle Sanctuary alumni Facebook community and monthly support calls. You don’t have to do this alone. We’ve got your back!

Don’t take my word for it!

I’m totally biased about my events! Here’s what people say about Cuddle Sanctuary Socials:

“Fantastic experience! This was unlike anything I’ve ever done. I enjoyed soaking up all the love and positive vibes in the space.” 

“What a great experience! I was so impressed with how the session was structured and facilitated. It really allowed you to be in control and totally comfortable. It was a great learning experience and taught me about myself as well. Can’t wait to go back!” 

“I loved this event! Before I knew it, all my nervousness melted away and I exchanged many comforting hugs with new people. I felt a deep sense of well-being, peace, and comfort. It was over too soon. I will be back!”

“Beautiful, wonderful, unique experience! A treasure of LA.”

“I found Cuddle Sanctuary after losing my wife of 18 years. Was missing connection and touch. Coming to cuddle has really changed my life for the better! With the safe place to learn really important tools around touch, it has allowed me to give and receive touch in super clear and fun ways!”

“I always feel healed, connected and happy when I’m here. Also the facilitators are GREAT at their job, and I know I can count on them for any support I need.”

Earn a Certification as a Cuddle Event Leader…

…and begin a potent path!

When you put a group of human beings together who care as deeply about people and the world as cuddle events leaders are, it creates a powerful alchemy. When you add the experienced facilitation and world-class program design that I’ll be bringing you, you can expect fireworks. Besides the personal growth you’ll experience and the new friendships that will emerge, you’ll also have the confidence and certification to lead events that truly help people.


Learn about the in-person intensives here.


What’s Included in the Online Class?

  • 12+ hours of live training with a master cuddle event leader
  • Fellow students/colleagues with whom you will be training
  • Structure and support to lead cuddle events in your community
  • Lifetime access to online course materials 


Here’s What Happens in the Online Class


Module 1: Beginning the Journey

In this exciting opening lesson, we’ll share our stories of how our lives brought us to this moment. We’ll explore the concept of an event “container” and then you’ll get to practice how to start your cuddle events with an effective Opening Circle.

Module 2 – Flexible Mind | Settled Bodies

This module will put you in the mindset for leadership so you are ready to engage the bodies and brains of your guests. We’ll practice improvisation to help you think on your feet as a facilitator. You’ll then have a chance to rehearse how to guide the “Body and Breath” activity and the “First Five” Guidelines.

Module 3 – Facilitation Intensive

In this challenging module, you’ll deepen your skills in navigating tough conversations and then learn techniques for leading exercises and debriefing them. From there you’ll participate in a series of practice sessions to lead the “No Thank You” Exercise, the “Final Three” Guidelines, the Hug | No Hug Exercise, Four “Cuddle Safe” Concepts, and “Paired Practice.”

Module 4 – Getting Ready to Fly

Bring your questions to Module 4! You’ll have a chance to ask about logistics, marketing, health, hygiene, gender dynamics and more. From there, you’ll practice Two Demonstrations, Create Your Own Adventure, Cuddle Laboratory and the Closing Circle. This will bring us to your big moment. You’ll be ready to lead your first event, and your homework assignment will be just that!

Module 5 – Completing the Journey

There will be much to talk about in our last session. You will have just had your first brave adventure as a cuddle event leader and will have tons to learn from each other’s experiences. Prepare to laugh, empathize, and encourage each other’s growth. We’ll finish with a meaningful closing “Share-a-mony.” You’ll leave this poignant, final session inspired and energized.


Cuddle Sanctuary students have this to say about our courses

“We explored so many interesting topics. I’m really glad I enrolled! Now – thanks to the training – I feel totally ready. Thank you very, very much!”

Madline, CalinoBXL




“The experience I had and the knowledge I gained is priceless. My overall impression: I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!”

Ondrej Franek – Hug Haven




“This training exceeded my expectations. After the training I felt very empowered and full of hope and courage.”

Tom Rees – Certified Event Leader




Enroll now and get these five bonuses

Some courses provide good information but then leave you hanging when it comes to follow up. Cuddle Sanctuary’s Nourishing Nuggets can be your perfect post-training solution. Each Nugget provides tips, tricks, and techniques geared especially for cuddle event leaders. The information is presented in a digestible format with achievable goals. Your Nourishing Nuggets will be delivered to your email inbox weekly and will keep on supporting you for two months after your training is complete. 

Value: $99


This online class is the meat and potatoes of the program and a prerequisite for Certification. It has the foundational information that you need for leading successful events. This online, self-paced class has over 20 lessons and more than 15 videos. It includes audio demonstrations, scripts, checklists, and quizzes to keep you on your toes. You’ll have unlimited access to this class so that you can refer to it again and again. (If you’ve already purchased the Guide, your investment is safe. The amount you paid will be deducted from the cost of your tuition for this certification program.)

Value: $99



It’s inevitable, once you launch your events, you’ll have questions. Our monthly support call is a forum where you can get the answers you need while relaxing in the presence of your peers. Join these Zoom calls with your phone, tablet, or computer. If you can’t make it, you’ll have a whole week to watch the recording and see what you missed. These calls can be a place to not only get help but also to celebrate your successes. Together, we can do anything.

Value: $299


Spend three days with an amazing group of fellow event leaders in this in-person version of the certification program. Cuddle Sanctuary’s hands-on training is a deep, immersive, life-changing experience. There are practice sessions, demonstrations, lively discussions, and the chance to put on a cuddle event for the public as a team. There’s also time to digest what you’re learning, socialize and if you’d like – cuddle. We schedule this 3-day training in Los Angeles when there’s enough interest. (You would be responsible for your travel expenses including flight, lodging, food and incidentals.)

Value: $1,397


Our “Certified Event Leaders” web page is a great place for people in your area to find you and your events. Being posted on the Cuddle Sanctuary website is a badge of honor. If you fulfill the qualifications for certification, this bonus will be yours. We’ll ask you to send your photo and a write-up. We’ll take care of the rest.

Value: $117




Bonuses worth more than $2,000



Which path is right for you? The tuition for a one-on-one mentorship is $2,797.

The tuition for the group course is $1,397

Application fee: $25. This fee is nonrefundable. If you’re accepted into the program, the application fee will be applied to your tuition.

Payment plans, financial aid, and some partial racial equity scholarships are available.


This program may sell out!

What If You Have a Change of Heart?

If need be, you can change your mind, cancel your enrollment in the course, and get 80% of your money back – as long as it’s 30 days before the first day of class. If you need to postpone attending the course, I can accommodate you in a future one as long as space is available. You must attend the course within one year of purchase. On my end, if a session has low enrollment, I reserve the right to postpone it.


My credentials

I’m Jean Franzblau, AKA Cuddle Queen Jean, and I’ll be your instructor. I’m the Founder of Cuddle Sanctuary – the Los Angeles destination for touch-positive events and professional cuddling since 2014. As a teacher, I’m known for having a fun, upbeat style honed by my years in corporate training and the performing arts.

I studied facilitation with Cuddle Party and the Association of Talent Development and am a Certified Professional Cuddler. I trained with Dr. Betty Martin who teaches the Wheel of Consent. I’ve also appeared as a cuddle expert on Dr. Phil, BuzzFeed, Keeping Up the Kardashians, and in Rolling Stone. In terms of formal schooling, I graduated cum laude with a BA in communications from UCLA. You can find my writing in The Consent Guidebook.

A note about my intersecting identities: I am a white skinned, able bodied, straight, cis-woman with Eastern European Jewish ancestry. I share this in hopes that you can decide for yourself if my background will be a comfort or distraction from your learning experience. I’m in an ongoing process of educating myself so that my inevitable blind spots do less harm while dedicating resources towards social justice and anti-racism. This course includes content and resources to further the cultural shift towards racial equity.


Certification, Schedule and Attendance

Q: How are Cuddle Sanctuary events different than Cuddle Parties?

A: Cuddle Sanctuary events begin with activities and exercises so that newcomers learn the event’s etiquette while getting to know the other guests. Cuddle Party events begin with a typically less interactive approach where the facilitator reads from a document with the rules in the first 40 minutes of the event. Both organizations teach consent, good boundaries, and are full of heart. 

Q: How long is the course, when does it start and when are the live online classes held?

A: The course is five weeks long. We meet online once a week for 2.5-hour classes. We’ll meet on Saturdays from May 31 – April 28, 2025 at 9:00am PST. For those receiving a one-on-one mentorship, we collaborate to find class times that work for your schedule.

Q: What if I miss a class?

A: We understand that life happens. We will record each class so you can “catch up” if you miss one. (You can miss as many as two classes and still get certified.) We encourage you to do what you can to attend every class so you get the best learning experience possible.

Q: Besides the homework and attending the 5-week live online course, what else does it take to get certified?

A: We use a Green/Yellow method to determine if we can certify a student. You can learn more about the Green/Yellow method and the requirements for certification here


Q: Is there homework I need to complete before the first day of class?

A: Yes. If you’re accepted into the program, we’ll send you your homework so you can get started right away. Your “before training” homework includes reviewing the Leadership Guide for Cuddle Events and, if it’s feasible, attending a cuddle event in your area. (You can expect the Guide to take at least 4 hours to review.)

Q: Is there homework during the five week course?

A: Yes. You’ll have a few hours of homework each week leading up to your biggest homework assignment – to lead a cuddle event between Week 4 and Week 5 of class.

Q: Is there homework after the five week course?

A: If you’re hoping to be certified, yes. After the training is over you’ll be required to set up and complete two more cuddle events. This will help you gain more experience and receive feedback. You’ll also read an important book that will help you become a trauma informed leader and complete the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge.

Application and Money Questions

Q: What’s the application process?

A: Your first step is to pay the $25 application fee and fill out the application form. Once you do that, we’ll reach out to you within five days. If your application moves to the next level, we’ll set up a call to learn more about you and answer your questions. If you’re accepted into the program, we’ll discuss tuition payment options and then send you course materials.

Q: What if I don’t want to become a cuddle event leader, but I still want to take this course?

A: There are some people who decide to study with us for their own personal growth. If this is you, you are welcome to apply.

Q: I already paid for the Leadership Guide for Cuddle Events. Can I get a discount on the tuition for certification?

A: Yes. If you’re accepted into the program, the amount you paid for the Guide will be discounted from your tuition.

Q: Besides the application fee and tuition, are there other costs I should know about?

A: If you’re able to attend a cuddle event in your area, you would be responsible for that cost. Next, you’ll be putting on a cuddle event as part of your homework. The costs associated with that would be yours to cover along with the cost of printing your workbook. Lastly, there’s one book that you would need to read. You may be able to find it in your local library.

Q: Are there any scholarships for this course?

A: Yes. We have financial aid and partial racial equity scholarships. To apply, click this link. Or to sponsor a student, click here.

Q: What if I change my mind?

A: If need be, you can change your mind, cancel your enrollment in the course, and get 80% of your money back – as long as it’s 30 days before the first day of class. If you need to postpone attending the course, we can accommodate you in a future one as long as space is available. You must attend the course within one year of purchase. On my end, if a session has low enrollment, I reserve the right to postpone it.

Q: What if I don’t like the training?

A: You can trust that your investment in this program is risk free. If you are not completely satisfied with your experience, we offer a 100% money back guarantee.