As a cuddle workshop leader and professional cuddler, I’ve got a great job where I get lots of hugs. But it gets even better than that. At Cuddle Sanctuary, we often share long-ass hugs!

Long-ass hugs are better than short ones for boosting the feel-good hormone, oxytocin. According to an article by LiveScience, oxytocin is associated with trust, bonding and generosity. Just this week, someone contacted me about the work we do helping people boost their oxytocin naturally. He’s working on a program to help people suffering with depression to feel better by boosting their oxytocin. His goal was to decrease the number of people who turn to antidepressants. Cool, huh?

But I digress. We were talking about hugs. As you may know, we’re four days into the #CSHolidayHugChallenge. Here’s a friend and Cuddle Sanctuary attendee, Mike, and I. It’s the end of the workshop, and we are kicking butt taking the #Challenge. (It was pretty easy for us because we’ve hugged a bunch of times before.)

I plan on stretching my comfort zone and taking the #CSHolidayHugChallenge with people I haven’t ever hugged. Stay tuned for that!

Ready to boost YOUR oxytocin right now?! Here’s your eight-step challenge:

1. Find someone who wants to do this with you

2. Get our your phone’s timer or practice saying “One-Mississippi-Two-MIssissippi…”

3. Figure out how to catch this hug on video

4. Hug for at least 20 seconds on video

5. Post it: #CSHolidayHugChallenge

6. Feel happier because you’ve enjoyed a long-ass hug

7. Feel like a good person because now other people will be encouraged to try it – because they want to be cool like you

8. Repeat

The Challenge is for December only, people. So GO GET HUGGING!