Have you ever put on a party and freaked out wondering if anyone would come? That’s how it felt planning the #CSHolidayHugChallenge. What if no one wants to do this with me?!

I’m so grateful for the people who come to my cuddle workshops. I knew that if I announced the idea, I would get some volunteers. And that’s what happened!

These are the first huggers trying it out without me being one the huggers. At first I thought they were doing it to help a sister out. But as I saw Lou and Elysha hugging – well it looked like they were enjoying themselves. Thanks Lou and Elysha!

Ready to boost YOUR oxytocin?! Here’s your eight-step challenge:

1. Find someone who wants to do this with you

2. Get our your phone’s timer or practice saying “One-Mississippi-Two-MIssissippi…”

3. Figure out how to catch this hug on video

4. Hug for at least 20 seconds on video

5. Post it: #CSHolidayHugChallenge

6. Feel happier because you’ve enjoyed a long-ass hug

7. Feel like a good person because now other people will be encouraged to try it – because they want to be cool like you

8. Repeat

The Challenge is for December only, people. So GO GET HUGGING!