Welcome to Cuddle Sanctuary Events!

Click here for Los Angeles Crisis Support. Or try our Free Caring Hugs in Santa Monica (Jan 26). Meet us online for Earth Sanctuary: A Learning Salon. Or join us in Los Angeles on February 15th for Cuddle Sanctuary Community

If you’re in Los Angeles and looking for a fun way to connect, you’ve come to the right place. If you hate small talk and long for warmth and authenticity, Cuddle Sanctuary will feel like home.

We’ve put on hundreds of events since 2014 and have mastered the science and art of bringing great people together. Our groups draw a fun mix of people from a variety of backgrounds. We all seem to share something in common – kindness, compassion and heart.

Our signature event, Cuddle Sanctuary Classic, is organized so you can meet people easily and learn the etiquette of our events. Get ready to relax and connect in a whole new way. Boundaries are enthusiastically honored and cuddles are common. Learn more here!

To bring Cuddle Sanctuary to your organization or university, click here.


To check out Cuddle Sanctuary’s Los Angeles-based events, join us on MeetUp.


Here’s a list of our certified event leaders.


To see a calendar of cuddle events around Los Angeles, click here.