As the Founder of Cuddle Sanctuary, people often have questions for me about hygiene. In most cases there’s an unspoken fear that they will be rejected or ejected from the group if they’re not perfect. That’s what’s most important to talk about. Can we be imperfect and still “deserve” to be touched with care and affection? Yes, of course! So please watch this video from the perspective that we all deserve to feel connected, nourished and cared for. And certainly, it’s good etiquette to come to our events “clean and fresh.” Be sure to watch until the end to hear important tips about perfume and cologne!
Definitely! I’d much rather cuddle with someone whose personal hygiene and grooming are top notch.
Also, I don’t mind a bit of cologne on a guy, but a lot of guys tend to overdo it.
I’m pretty sensitive to cologne myself. I appreciate the effort, but it has a chilling effect on my interest in cuddling – I don’t want to get too close because I can find it overpowering!