Hugs are amazing. They make you feel better because they release the “hug hormone” oxytocin. Here’s the thing though – a typical hug – which only lasts a couple of seconds – isn’t long enough to release oxytocin. That means your garden variety hi-how-are-you-happy-holidays type of hug might be nice, but it’s not going to take you to a blissed out place like oxytocin can.

The Cuddle Sanctuary Holiday Hug Challenge is here to remedy that!

The scientists tell us that it takes around 20 seconds to boost your levels of that yummy feel good hormone. That means you’ve got to hug LONGER!

Here’s your eight-step challenge:

1. Find someone who wants to do this with you

2. Get our your phone’s timer or practice saying “One-Mississippi-Two-MIssissippi…

3. Figure out how to catch this hug on video

4. Hug for at least 20 seconds on video

5. Post it: #CSHolidayHugChallenge

6. Feel happier because you’ve enjoyed a long-ass hug

7. Feel like a good person because now other people will be encouraged to try it – because they want to be cool like you

8. Repeat

The Challenge is for December only, people. So GO GET HUGGING!