The first impression that some people have when they think of cuddle events is that the group starts cuddling organically with no need for a leader.

cuddle workshop leader

That can happen with a cozy, informal group of friends who really trust each other. But for gatherings of people with varying backgrounds and different levels of experience with cuddling – some of whom know each other and some of whom don’t – you definitely want a leader who can guide things along!

Leading cuddle events is an art and a science that includes facilitation skills and the ability to think on one’s feet. I’m Jean Franzblau, the Founder of Cuddle Sanctuary and the of our 3-Day Workshop Leader Training and Certification Program. I’ve put together this video with a list of five qualities of a great cuddle event leader.

Do you embody these qualities? Would you like the superpower of being able to guide a group of “strangers” toward happy, comfortable connection? Perhaps leading cuddle events is for you. Join us at our next free webinar: Consent Techniques for Group Events and learn some of the basics.