I recently posted about an upcoming indoor, in-person cuddle event. These have been few and far between since Covid began! I’m curious how you’re feeling about the idea. If you’ve been feeling at all awkward or unsure about returning to in-person events – especially cuddly ones – you’re not alone. Here are three tips that may help.

1. Be Covid-safe. The cuddle event leaders have detailed thoughtful protocols to keep the event as safe as possible – and that includes your health. Read their guidelines, abide by them and feel good about being a respectful citizen of our cuddle community. (And if the protocols don’t work for you, please skip the event.)

2. Honor yourself. You may find yourself feeling much more hesitant about touch than you’ve ever felt in the past. There’s no touch required. You can set the pace for any touch experience and you can also change your mind at any time.

3. Leave when you want. At events put together by Cuddle Sanctuary trained leaders, you can leave at any time for any reason. If the event isn’t feeling right for you, just give a wave and go.

Here’s a link to learn more about upcoming in-person cuddle events in Los Angeles!