If you’re interested in cuddling for stress relief, you’re in luck. Soothing touch boosts oxytocin – what some scientists call the hug hormone. It lowers your blood pressure and helps chill you out – naturally. You can try the following activities on your own or while cuddling.


Sync up your breathing with your cuddle buddy’s breathing by paying attention to their inhales and exhales. Or if flying solo, deepen your breath and enjoy the sensation of slowing down.

stress relief


Begin with your feet and purposely tighten and relax them. Methodically go from your feet – body part by body part – up to the top of your head. Tighten, release and relax.

stress relief


Pay attention to your sense of hearing. Listen to the sounds in the room, your cuddle buddy’s heartbeat or some tranquil tunes. 

stress relief

Feel free to share your own tranquil tips below!