Do you get Comedy Central? If so, you have the opportunity to watch and me my Cuddle Sanctuary peeps (possibly) make fools of ourselves. A few months ago I was contacted by a producer from the show Not Safe with Nikki Glaser. I wasn’t familiar with Nikki’s work, but once I jumped online and watched some videos I was looking forward to meeting her. She’s a smart, funny, successful performer. My kind of lady!

Of course I was concerned that the show would make us look dumb. But I decided it was worth the risk. Over a million viewers might tune into the show. What if a few hundred of them are in Los Angeles and become curious about our workshops? Or what if someone out of state decide to come to our training in October? All because they saw us make asses of ourselves on Comedy Central.

Our big debut will be this Tuesday night at 10:30pm PST. Will the final cut be an embarrassment or a boon? Time will tell.