One of the biggest obstacles to attending a cuddle workshop for people with penises is the fear that they will get an erection. If that’s a concern that you have, this video is for you!

As you may already know, cuddle workshops are Rated G, nonsexual events. If a three year old were to walk in the door, there would be nothing different that anyone would need to do in order for the environment to be appropriate. Having said that, given that the events can include touch, arousal can happen.

If you have a penis and that happens to you, don’t worry. Just shift your position, change activities, take a break or adjust your thoughts. The one thing not to do is stoke the flames of arousal.

That’s it! Now you have a protocol of what to do. No one will shame you or be freaked out.

We often even say, if you get an erection, “Good for you that your body is working.” Your next step is to make that shift. I’m hoping that what you realize now is that our philosophy is body positive. I would even say that we are “sex positive.” At Cuddle Sanctuary we believe that sex is a natural and wonderful part of the human experience – it’s just not the focus of what we are doing at our workshops.

I hope this clears up any concerns for you and maybe even inspires you to try a workshop soon!