6 Ways to Get Better at Hearing “No”
I really like getting what I want. I especially like getting what I want when I want it. Well, this makes hearing “No” really challenging at times. In fact, I’ve often gone out of my way to avoid those difficult feelings of rejection by not asking for what I want in...

Hi Jean (Keeping it Clean at Cuddle Sanctuary)
I don’t know about you, my friends, but I need to write about something LIGHT this week. That’s why we’re going to take a dive into the subject of hygiene. At our events, hygiene is important, but not everyone has the same definition of what it means. Personal...

Safe Cuddling for Women Program
Welcome to the Safe Cuddling for Women Program! This Program was inspired to help women feel more comfortable trying out group events. It’s an answer to the very reasonable fears women face when considering our gatherings and the immense opportunity for healing and...

Women’s Guide for Attending Cuddle Events
Are you a woman who’s curious about cuddle events but haven’t yet felt ready to try? Would you like to invite a female friend to a cuddle event and help her feel safe? Welcome to the Women’s Guide for Attending Cuddle Events! Though this guide was inspired by the need...

Why Women Need A Sanctuary for Safe Touch
Last week, I blogged about the fears women face when they consider attending a cuddle event. Those fears are enough to keep many women away. To me, that’s a tragedy because what happens at Cuddle Sanctuary is healing and helpful - especially for women. Below are four...

Fears Women Face at Cuddle Events
Often, when looking at the RSVPs for a cuddle event, I’ll notice that there are more men signed up than women. It’s not a coincidence - it’s a trend. Why is that? Is it that women don’t need cuddling? Do women have less needs for soothing and affection? Based on my...

5 Tips to Get More Hugs
Have you ever felt hungry for a hug? I sure have. Recently, I found myself alone in a new environment for a few days. I was at an academic training surrounded by strangers outside of my cuddly world. Without my usual access to hugs and emotional connection, I felt...

Is She Playing “Hard to Get?”
A few weeks ago, a woman whose name I didn’t recognize in my Facebook feed described a conversation she had with her school age boy. Her son told her that he in some way communicated to a girl that he liked her. Maybe he asked her to be his girlfriend. The girl said...

After-Event Socializing: What’s “Appropriate”?
I made a mistake. A few years ago, I led a Cuddle Sanctuary event where one of the guys was a newbie, and I found him attractive. The day after the event, I expressed my interest in him and he said very simply, “No thank you.” I responded as I’ve been trained to...

5 Steps to Being a Better Listener
I’ve always loved a good conversation. It’s such a rewarding feeling to connect verbally, exchange ideas and get to know another’s inner world. To see and be seen, hear and be heard. I’ll freely admit, it’s what excited me most about professional cuddling in the first...