Support for Men in the #MeToo Era, Part 2
A few weeks ago, in my blog Support for Men in the #MeToo Era, I promised you an interview with a man who’s been through the ManKind Project’s New Warrior Training. Here it is! I want you to meet a very special person in my life - Brett Rhodes. Brett loves karaoke,...

I Still Need Hugs
I’ve spent most of my life trying to be a grown-up. As a kid, that was my ticket to freedom. I couldn’t wait to grow up! As an adult, that was my doorway to legitimacy. One day, I would act like grown ups should, and then I would belong. Here’s what I thought being...

Support for Men in the #MeToo Era, Part 1
I was once dating this guy - let’s call him Steve. Steve and I were talking about current events. I noticed that when our conversation went to topics related to women’s empowerment that he got tense and the flow of conversation would become strained. I’m not used to...

5 Cuddle Positions for Warmer Weather
Most of us agree that cooler weather is ideal for cozying up and getting snuggly. But just because it's hot out doesn't mean we don't want to be close. Here are some of our favorite ways to stay connected even in the heat. 1. B2B Lying back to back - or is it...

What we can do together on the 4th of July (a serious post)
This is no fun to write, and yet's appropriate to take stock of what's happening as I write this and as you read it. As you probably know, on this day to celebrate American freedom several thousand children are being kept imprisoned away from their families. They are...

8 Things Skilled Clients Do Differently (with Video)
Have you ever felt disappointed after a massage, a haircut, or a professional cuddle? Does getting good service feel like rolling the dice to you? You’re not alone. I've been there! My first few introductions to massage had been s painful, it led me to incorrectly...

My Partner Won’t Touch Me
Imagine a world in which you made a commitment to a best friend that you would enjoy sunshine and fresh air only when you were together. You both loved these things and opened the curtains and windows each morning to greet the new day. Sunshine and fresh air were a...

The Four Letter L Word
Last week, I wrote about the validity of the intimacy we encounter in environments like cuddle events, or with a professional cuddler. In that article, I tiptoed around using the word love; I avoided it for the most part. But I also used it anyway. I’ve been thinking...

Cuddle Partners: Fabricated Connection or Real Intimacy?
Have you ever experienced deep connection and affection with a stranger? Many Cuddle Sanctuary attendees and clients have. As we sit together at closing circle, we often feel incredibly bonded as a group, even if we just met a couple of hours before. At the end of the...

Thoughts After Being On Dr. Phil (video)
It’s been four days since our debut on Dr. Phil, and I wanted to share with you some thoughts. For those of you who haven’t seen it, the show featured a couple in crisis. Alaska has a business that offers the option for either cuddling or dating. She advertises her...