I Still Need Hugs

I Still Need Hugs

I’ve spent most of my life trying to be a grown-up. As a kid, that was my ticket to freedom. I couldn’t wait to grow up! As an adult, that was my doorway to legitimacy. One day, I would act like grown ups should, and then I would belong. Here’s what I thought being...

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Support for Men in the #MeToo Era, Part 1

Support for Men in the #MeToo Era, Part 1

I was once dating this guy - let’s call him Steve. Steve and I were talking about current events. I noticed that when our conversation went to topics related to women’s empowerment that he got tense and the flow of conversation would become strained. I’m not used to...

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My Partner Won’t Touch Me

My Partner Won’t Touch Me

Imagine a world in which you made a commitment to a best friend that you would enjoy sunshine and fresh air only when you were together. You both loved these things and opened the curtains and windows each morning to greet the new day. Sunshine and fresh air were a...

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