Results of the Cuddle Survey
Gratitude Two weeks ago I shared with you that I had an audacious idea - to open the first retail space for cuddling in Los Angeles. I asked for your opinion in a survey and I received over 100 responses. Thank you for your wisdom and encouragement! You gave me...

Are You a Giver Because You Don’t Know How to Receive?
“What would you like to do?” I probably asked that question a dozen times or more at my very first Cuddle Sanctuary. Oh, I was having a blast! There I was, bouncing from one side of the room to another, connecting with this person, and that person, and then that other...

I’ve got a goal for Cuddle Sanctuary that scares me (would you help?!)
I'm writing a business plan. The plan outlines a big idea that sometimes I can talk about with enthusiasm and other times I shake my head and say, Impossible. My idea is to open the first brick and mortar retail space for professional cuddling in Los Angeles. You may...

Is Being a Picky Cuddler Ok?
The first time I encountered a “picky” cuddler, I judged. We were at a cuddle, and I had offered this attendee a back rub. She delightfully accepted, and then proceeded to tell me a list of things she liked and didn’t like. “I like medium pressure. No nails. Go slow....
Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Cuddle Event Leader?
The first impression that some people have when they think of cuddle events is that the group starts cuddling organically with no need for a leader. That can happen with a cozy, informal group of friends who really trust each other. But for gatherings of people with...

How to Choose Your Professional Cuddler
I don’t know about you, but hiring a new professional for any kind of service fills me with dread and anxiety. It doesn’t matter what the service is, whether it’s a mechanic for my car, an accountant, hair stylist or therapist, the same question keeps coming up: can I...

Myth Busters: Why I Would Never Attend a Cuddle Event (video)
For every person who walks through our doors, there are hundreds who want to, need to but don't feel comfortable to. Weird. Strange. Not for me. People don't say these words out loud when I'm telling then about Cuddle Sanctuary, but I can often sense that they carry...

How Do I Become a Professional Cuddler?
Did you know that professional cuddling is an unregulated industry? This is a new frontier, and the bar for entry is low. There is no formal training or certification required to practice. So is it really needed? Watch this video where I share a bit about my journey...

I’m so ashamed!
Fei and I decided to do a Facebook live after our weekly Cuddle Sanctuary operational meeting. We only had a few minutes to get it done before I had to leave. Or maybe she had a client. I forget what it was, but we had limited time. Fei set everything up pretty...

The Absurdity of Taking “No” Personally
Today, I’m going to be super vulnerable with you, and tell you how I sometimes don’t practice what I preach. If you’ve ever been to a Cuddle Sanctuary event with me, you may have heard me talk about how to avoid taking a “No” personally. “Thank them for taking care of...