Fresh Blood (Mwah ha ha ha!)

Fresh Blood (Mwah ha ha ha!)

Fei and I are tapping into our inner vampires this week and announcing our search for a very special team member. Fresh blood, mwah ha ha ha! We are seeking a talented partner who can take what we’ve built and help us fly! Like bats! Mwah ha ha ha ha!   According...

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Cuddling is My Meditation Practice

Cuddling is My Meditation Practice

Lately I've been noticing just how much of my life is built around striving. There’s always some stronger, healthier, richer, wiser, version of myself I'm hoping to become. This dictates how I'm supposed to spend my time. There's this big checklist running in my head:...

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I Assume the Best for You

I Assume the Best for You

I’ve noticed over the years that if a Cuddle Sanctuary regular hasn’t attended in a few months, that person often feels they need to explain to me why it’s been so long. Like they feel guilty. What they don’t know is that I trust each person’s process. In other words,...

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