Fresh Blood (Mwah ha ha ha!)
Fei and I are tapping into our inner vampires this week and announcing our search for a very special team member. Fresh blood, mwah ha ha ha! We are seeking a talented partner who can take what we’ve built and help us fly! Like bats! Mwah ha ha ha ha! According...

How Do I Know If I Have Consent?
If you’ve been on social media over the past week, you may have noticed your feed being flooded with #metoo and #Iwashim posts. It’s been a heavy week for many. Some of us have been reliving past traumas. Others of us are grappling with the fact we’ve been...

Are You Starving For the Feminine?
I picked up David Deida’s book, Way of the Superior Man to understand men better. It was a goldmine. Chapter 23 is called “Your Attraction to the Feminine is Inevitable.” In it, Deida explains that the feminine can bring the masculine a “wave of refreshment” and can...

Help! I’ve Fallen in Love With My Professional Cuddler
You’ve just had the most intimate cuddle of your life. You feel seen, heard - really listened to - and held like never before. You’d opened up and shared things you don’t usually talk about with others, and it was met with pure acceptance. There’s this bursting in...

The “Bra Policy” at Cuddle Sanctuary
I think about nipples all the time. Specifically mine and how threatening or off-putting they may be to you. A few years ago a social justice advocate I know was posting on Facebook about the unfairness of the fact that men can go shirtless and it’s illegal for women....

3 Ways to Get Better at Saying “No”
Hi, I’m Fei, and I’m a recovering Yes-a-holic. For most of my life, “No” has been a dirty word. I’ve always been a people pleaser. Not only did I grow up in a collectivist culture, there’s something about playing a part in another person’s happiness that helps me feel...

What is “Oxytocin Drop”?
It happened enough times that I came to expect it. I would attend a cuddle event and get very blissed out. Then at some point the next day, I'd feel sad. When this happened to me, it sucked, but I didn't question it. As Cuddle Sanctuary has grown and the number of...

Cuddling is My Meditation Practice
Lately I've been noticing just how much of my life is built around striving. There’s always some stronger, healthier, richer, wiser, version of myself I'm hoping to become. This dictates how I'm supposed to spend my time. There's this big checklist running in my head:...

I Assume the Best for You
I’ve noticed over the years that if a Cuddle Sanctuary regular hasn’t attended in a few months, that person often feels they need to explain to me why it’s been so long. Like they feel guilty. What they don’t know is that I trust each person’s process. In other words,...

4 Secret Ingredients of a Super Yummy Cuddle
Have you ever experienced an ahh-mazing cuddle? I certainly have! My favorite cuddles are ones where we both are in sync and I feel like I can completely let go and be myself. Tate and I have both been lucky to create lots of fun, amazing, powerful cuddles, both in...