In Defense of Creepy Men
A Frightening Transformation I was falling in love with an amazing man. We shared stories, confidences, laughs and sleepovers. We took long walks, bared our biggest life challenges and asked each other for advice. He was a solid, loving human being. One evening on a...

Pre-Cuddle Nerves and How to Not Let Them Get in the Way
"After two years of looking at cuddle events, I finally gathered enough courage to attend. Now that I'm here, I wish I had come sooner. I missed out on two years of having this in my life." A first time attendee shared this at an event recently. He's not alone. I hear...

Do I Deserve to Be Cuddled If I’m Fat? (Guest Blog)
I received many thoughtful responses to my last blog, Do I Deserve to Be Cuddled If I'm Ugly? One came from a graduate of our workshop leader program. Matthew is a sensitive, talented human being who came to us all the way from Europe. He has a kind heart and a deep...

Why We’re Bad at Consent (Video)
Consent is a very simple concept at its core, and yet we struggle with it on many fronts. Not only do we wrestle with it on a broad societal level (see rape culture), but on an individual level as well (Is it super easy for you to hear and say “No”, and always ask for...

Do I Deserve To Be Cuddled If I’m Ugly?
Last week I cut my hair. Really short. I was tired of having to dye it each month to cover my grey. By cutting my locks, I would be trimming away all of the fake - the dark brown tresses created by chemicals and processing. I wasn’t sure what color hair I would be...

I thought I knew what unconditional love was. It's the whole reason why I Ieapt headfirst into this career in the first place. Loving is something that I do naturally and well. I came pre-wired with the capacity - a gift, if you will - for deep compassion. Maybe it...

Thank you for Taking Care of Yourself
I had a dream last night where I was a at a restaurant. At the table next to me, there was a tall man. He heard I was a “hugger” and came over get a hug. I said, “Hold on a minute!” I wasn’t ready for this hug; I wanted to slow down the interaction. He paused briefly...

The Difference Between Sex & Intimacy (Guest Blog)
In our work of professional cuddling, we have the privilege of teaching the world about intimacy in the platonic realm. This is completely eye-opening and life changing for many. Our talented colleague, Tate recently expounded on this, and graciously gave us...

I Tried Professional Cuddling, and It Was a Profound Experience (Guest Blog)
I met Lauren Wong last month when she applied for our professional cuddling program. She describes herself as a 24-year old living in Los Angeles going through a personal transformation. Lauren gave me permission to share with you her first impression of a cuddle...

Learning to Ask for What You Want
“Giving yourself permission to love what you love, and dislike what you don’t is the first step in being empowered to creating those magic moment of bliss. Once you learn to accept your own authority over your experience, you’ll learn to trust your body more, and really tune into what it is that you actually want or don’t want.”