#CSHolidayHugChallenge: Benefits of a Long-Ass Hug (video)
As a cuddle workshop leader and professional cuddler, I've got a great job where I get lots of hugs. But it gets even better than that. At Cuddle Sanctuary, we often share long-ass hugs! Long-ass hugs are better than short ones for boosting the feel-good hormone,...

#CSHolidayHugChallenge: Lou and Elysha (video)
Have you ever put on a party and freaked out wondering if anyone would come? That's how it felt planning the #CSHolidayHugChallenge. What if no one wants to do this with me?! I'm so grateful for the people who come to my cuddle workshops. I knew that if I announced...

Take the #CSHolidayHugChallenge! (video)
Hugs are amazing. They make you feel better because they release the "hug hormone" oxytocin. Here's the thing though - a typical hug - which only lasts a couple of seconds - isn't long enough to release oxytocin. That means your garden variety...

Who Would Ever Pay for a Cuddle?
It’s probably no surprise to you that the work of professional cuddling is often highly misunderstood. In particular, onlookers tend to have this idea of and judgement for those would need and pay for cuddling. And it doesn't look great. What You Imagine a Cuddle...

“Go kiss Grandma,” and other Thanksgiving family memories…
I loved the times when my mom would ask us kids to add “leafs” to the dining room table so that more family members could fit around it. We would get out the nice silverware, the soft, beige tablecloth and the slate and black china that was kept in the dining room...

Tiny Bits of Gratitude (Happy Thanksgiving!)
For many people, Thanksgiving is a favorite holiday. For others it’s stressful or lonely. Where ever you are today (solo, with friends or family) and however you’re feeling today (Relaxed? Anxious? Blue?) I wanted to take a moment to say hello and practice tiny bits...

Cuddle Sanctuary: Where “No”s are Received with Enthusiasm
A core guideline at Cuddle Sanctuary workshops is that we respect others' boundaries with enthusiasm. To practice this, we run a quick "No thank you" exercise at every workshop. It goes like this: Person A: Makes a request like "Would you like a hug?" Person B: "No...

Election Day Detox: Five Tips
It’s been one week since election day. Many of us are grappling with feelings of anger, hopelessness, shock and sadness. As I write to you I am sensitive to the fact that not everyone receiving this email voted the same way that I did. It is important to me to speak...

Hugs: A Simple Physical Need
Have you ever gotten hangry? I sure have! Hungry + Angry = Hangry When I’ve gone too long without nourishment, I can get difficult and cranky. I become critical of everything, pessimistic about the future, and much more likely to get into a petty disagreement with my...