What If I (Or My Cuddle Buddy) Gets an Erection?
UPDATE: Since writing this post, I've assembled tips from professional cuddlers across the globe. Here's the latest techniques on dealing with unintentional arousal. --------------------------------- I had a first time client - we’ll call him Kevin. Kevin and I met...

Five Relaxing Activities That Include Touch
These five relaxing activities are terrific starters for a cuddle session or are fun on their own. Some will be quite familiar to you and some may be a surprise. Holding Hands Holding hands is sweet and simple. For some, it’s their favorite way to cuddle. What’s...

How To Get More Nurturing Touch Into Your Life
One solution to the very natural need for nuturing touch is to have more people in your life that you're allowed touch. That you feel safe touching. Wouldn't that be great?! For ease of communication, I'll call these people - these wonderful people you might want in...

Three Kinds of Hugs: Give, Receive & Share – Which is Your Favorite?
At Cuddle Sanctuary, we get very serious about hugging. We practice three different kinds of hugs at our workshops. Each one has a different feeling to it. In this video, I'll describe for you each one. Why don't you test them out? That could be a terrific excuse to...

Is There a Dark Side to Cuddling Start Ups?
When writer, Steven Blum, contacted me because he wanted to do an article about professional cuddling, I was delighted. His focus was on the economics of cuddling and I spent a good hour on the phone with him sharing my successes and challenges with the cuddling...

Cuddler’s Digest (Part 1)
Have you been enjoying my blogs lately? If so, please thank my friend and Social Media Maven, Cassie Brighter. Cassie's been schooling me on how to give you better and more useful information! But wait, perhaps you've missed a blog or two? Each month, I'll provide...

Broken Hearted? How to Successfully Deal with a Break Up
Dear Broken Hearted, Whether you are the breaker upper or the one who got broken up with, break ups can hurt. Many people experience feelings of sadness and isolation during these times. And if you regularly shared the same bed with your former spouse, partner,...

Cracked Magazine? A Feature Article on Cuddle Sanctuary
Well as it turns out, their Magazine is now Cracked.com, and they did a beautiful feature story about Cuddle Sanctuary! Wait, huh? Shouldn't they make fun of us in the most absurd way? The article strikes a lovely balance of silly commentary and a lot of valuable...

ODO! Are You Getting Your Optimum Daily Oxytocin?
ODO - Optimum Daily Oxytocin! The science is with me! Dasher Keltner, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley had this to say in his article, "Hands on Research: The Science of Touch": "In recent years, a wave of studies has documented some...

Intermediate Cuddle Activity: The Face Caress
Our face is an extremely personal place on our bodies. We hardly ever have another adult touch our face in a non-sexual way. Have you ever experienced the touch of a child who reaches out for your face, your cheek or your nose? Doesn't that come with a strong wave of...