Cuddle Friendly Hygiene

Cuddle Friendly Hygiene

As the Founder of Cuddle Sanctuary, people often have questions for me about hygiene. In most cases there's an unspoken fear that they will be rejected or ejected from the group if they're not perfect. That's what's most important to talk about. Can we be imperfect...

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Guest Blog: Cuddle Punk

Guest Blog: Cuddle Punk

Guest blogger, Kimberly Grace is at it again with one of my favorites of all of her zines. Cuddle Punk by Kimberly Grace At Cuddle Sanctuary, I’ve heard people refer to themselves as a Cuddle Slut. And while I can certainly understand the anyone-anywhere-anytime...

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Infinitely Embraceable

Infinitely Embraceable

When Kimberly Grace came to her first cuddle in 2015 she told me that what appealed to her was the promise of a Rated G environment. Kimberly shared with me that she's a Christian. I love the diversity of folks who come to our events and I was super curious if we...

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Guest Blogger: Kimberly Grace

Guest Blogger: Kimberly Grace

I'm thrilled to introduce you to Kimberly Grace. Kimberly has been attending Cuddle Sanctuary for over a year. She is a fierce blend of love, vulnerability, honesty and humor. She's also an artist as you'll soon see. Kimberly was so touched by her experience at Cuddle...

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Our Comedy Central Debut

Our Comedy Central Debut

I was excited but hesitant. A producer from Comedy Central called me to see if I'd be interested in having Cuddle Sanctuary featured on their show, Not Safe with Nikki Glaser. I love the idea of more people knowing about the benefits of platonic touch. But will I make...

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