I’m so ashamed!

I’m so ashamed!

Fei and I decided to do a Facebook live after our weekly Cuddle Sanctuary operational meeting. We only had a few minutes to get it done before I had to leave. Or maybe she had a client. I forget what it was, but we had limited time. Fei set everything up pretty...
Fresh Blood (Mwah ha ha ha!)

Fresh Blood (Mwah ha ha ha!)

Fei and I are tapping into our inner vampires this week and announcing our search for a very special team member. Fresh blood, mwah ha ha ha! We are seeking a talented partner who can take what we’ve built and help us fly! Like bats! Mwah ha ha ha ha!   According...
Do I Deserve To Be Cuddled If I’m Ugly?

Do I Deserve To Be Cuddled If I’m Ugly?

Last week I cut my hair. Really short. I was tired of having to dye it each month to cover my grey. By cutting my locks, I would be trimming away all of the fake – the dark brown tresses created by chemicals and processing. I wasn’t sure what color hair I would...