Somebody Hold Me

Somebody Hold Me

She did it. My colleague Epiphany Jordan cracked the code with her new book, Somebody Hold Me. As the Founder of Cuddle Sanctuary I have grand hopes for change. I envision cuddle shops in every city that are just as prevalent as massage studios. Maybe that dream is in...
Tips in Honor of National Hugging Day

Tips in Honor of National Hugging Day

“What?” you say? There’s not one, but two days to celebrate human connection in January? That’s right, lucky humans, January 6th was National Cuddle Up Day, and Monday, January 21st is National Hugging Day. A little history, please. National Hugging Day was created by...
The Art of Living in Your Body

The Art of Living in Your Body

Up until a few years ago, I wasn’t completely aware that I had a body. Of course, I knew what a body was and that I had one, but my experience of it was more of being a brain with limbs. Almost all of my day-to-day attention was spent “neck up” in my...
A New Year’s Ritual

A New Year’s Ritual

Years ago, I worked with an executive coach who shared with me a terrific New Year’s ritual called “Complete and Create.” It’s an easy and satisfying way to say good-bye to the old year and how-do-you-do to the new one. On a piece of paper,...