I was amazed.

A few weeks ago it occurred to me to contact Zoe, the landlord who provides the space for Cuddle Sanctuary events. I’d been halfheartedly looking for a new location with safer parking, less traffic noise and more space. (Safer parking was a big factor.) Zoe’s been supporting us with reasonably priced rent for over four years. Without The Love Dome – our adorably named venue – Cuddle Sanctuary might not have made it this far. I wanted to gently let Zoe know that we might be leaving sometime this year. I sent her a text and she called me back. (That was strange. Usually she’s all about texting.) Zoe told me that she was already on the hunt for – and found – a location that’s bigger, safer, quieter and for the same price. The Love Dome was moving. Was I interested to move with it?


Just like that Cuddle Sanctuary is moving on June 1st! But that’s not all. The same day Zoe shared her surprising news, I was scheduled to talk to Susan Lee – who had just completed her training with us. I invited Susan to join our team as an event leader, and she accepted. So we’re having an event to celebrate the new space and Susan will be the leader! Growth!

Is it all peaches and cream?

Changes, even good ones can be stressful. Susan is working hard so she feels ready for her big day. Louis and I are combining forces to make sure that the new address is posted and shared widely. And Fei had to sit with the fact that she already gave her final event in our old location without realizing it was her last. Some of us are sad to say good-bye to a place with so many memories. Like these:



Hard changes are harder

It’s easier to weather the stresses with happy changes. (At the end of the day, we’ll have a better location – yay us.) But what about changes that aren’t wanted that impact your health, finances or relationships? We’ve all been face-to-face with hard changes, and handling them is an important life skill. That’s why this post is dedicated to ch-ch-ch-changes!

Here’s someone who can help

I’d like to introduce you to a wonderful therapist and YouTuber, Kati Morton. Kati has tips to help us thrive through change. 

Here’s my quick recap of Kati’s good ideas:

  1. Accept that change happens – it’s part of the deal of being alive.
  2. Allow yourself to feel all of your feelings about it
  3. Write the “story” you’re telling yourself about the change. Example: If a best friend moves away, the story a person might tell herself might be a sad one like, “I’m always left behind.”
  4. Write the story you want by thinking up a positive way to look at the change. Example: “I love Skyping with my best friend long distance and I’m taking brave steps to make new, local friends.”
  5. Boost your self-care: You deserve kindness as you navigate life’s transitions.

What stories are you telling yourself about the changes in your life? I hope they’re good ones!