I’m feeling sorry for myself right now and probably need to shake some emotions loose. So I’m going to invite you to witness a real time experiment. I’m going to try my newly created “fake laugh” video and let you know how I feel after I follow along.



<<< seven minutes later >>>

I did it full out. I may have scared the neighbors as prescribed. And guess what? I connected with sadness and some real anger. I didn’t realize I was feeling those emotions.

I’m really glad that sadness and anger don’t need to stay bottled inside my body today. For me, that bottling is a recipe for feeling depressed. Fake laughter, aka laughter yoga, has wonderful health benefits. It’s fascinating to me – our bodies don’t know the difference between fake and real laughter. Both produce the same “happy chemistry” and feel-good results.

Try out this happiness hack with me in the video. Yes, it’s super silly, but we’re worth it!