Fei and I are tapping into our inner vampires this week and announcing our search for a very special team member. Fresh blood, mwah ha ha ha!

We are seeking a talented partner who can take what we’ve built and help us fly! Like bats! Mwah ha ha ha ha!

mwah ha ha


According to an article by Harvard Business Review, there are five stages of a business. The first, is called Existence which is the tenuous start-up phase. That’s where Cuddle Sanctuary is at. (Behind the scenes we are still new and wobbly.) One quality we seek in our tasty victim – uh – I mean the wonderful new member of our team – is experience bringing a start-up like ours from the Existence phase through the Survival phase – which is more stable – and into the Success phase – which is, you know, successful.

What does success mean to you?

For us, success means that we reach tons more people in Los Angeles and beyond, that we’re financially able to take care of ourselves and that we have fun along the way.

So Who Is This Mystery Person?

Besides extraordinary business skills, we’re imagining that this person has reached a place in their life and career where they’re ready to create a legacy. They see the promise in Cuddle Sanctuary and have time, energy and passion. They’re ready to roll up their sleeves with us and get to work.

Lastly, this person is one of us. They love what we do because they understand the benefits of touch. They “get” what a difference in the world it could make if all people received the affection and connection they crave.

What About Physical Attributes?

Well, if we could choose the ideal blood type for this worthy human it would be the same as Jean’s: B Positive. Because our new partner and friend would have lots of positive energy – like our team!

Do you know a delicious person you’d like to recommend? Please introduce us by emailing jean@cuddlesanctuary.com or calling (323) 905-HUGS.

Thank you and…

mwah ha ha