My Mom was at the grocery store in the check out line when she overheard a man frantic that he lost his phone. She offered to call his number so that the ringer would lead him to it. It worked like a charm, and the man gave my mom a big, grateful hug.
Mom was so uplifted from the experience, she called me right from the store. One of the benefits of being the founder of a Cuddle Sanctuary is that people think to tell me when sweet things like that happen. And not just my mom. The other day, a friend of the cuddle community sent me a news item – a story that occurred once again at a grocery store.
I’m pretty picky about TV news and wasn’t expecting to be deeply moved. But that’s exactly what happened. This one brought me to tears. It makes me think that I might want to be more present when grocery shopping. Maybe I’ll make a new friend or have my life changed profoundly.