Today is National Dessert Day. It’s nice to have someone pump their fist at my choice to have dessert given how much of a fan I am. (Nondairy ice cream in a bowl with sliced bananas is my latest crave.)


I also have to notice how often I want dessert: Every damn night!


I don’t know that our human bodies were made for that and nutritional science supports that concern. So you might ask, “Why so many cravings, Jean Franzblau?”


This week, I was engulfed in travel, work and busyness. I noticed yesterday that I was feeling depleted in – not sugar – but hugs. I think there may be a connection. I reach for the comfort of one – which is easy and accessible – when what I really need is the other – which is vulnerable.


Today I texted a friend who works from home and asked him if I could get a hug and cuddle for 5 minutes during a break in his workday. He said yes!


So I’m going to get a different kind of dessert today. A very human kind of treat. Chances are, if I keep adding soothing human interactions in my day-to-day, my enjoyment of sweets will come more often from choice and not craving. Fingers crossed!