Quarantine Discoveries, Part 2

I promised to share with you the resources that are helping me survive and even thrive during the pandemic. An item or two may be “too out there” for your taste, but perhaps you shouldn’t be surprised. I’m the one who tried cuddling and made a career of it, right?!

Yoga with Adriene (free)

Daily morning exercise helps me feel good. With my decreased income, I was so glad when I found Yoga with Adriene on YouTube. This free channel offers hundreds of classes suited for beginners. Adriene (who was recently featured in the New York Times) is a compassionate and skilled teacher. My secret is to set a yoga date with a friend. We meet on Zoom, turn on a Yoga with Adriene video and get started.

ASMR (free)

ASMR is a fascinating practice with millions of enthusiasts. It stands for autonomous sensory meridian response and can be described as a delicious spine tingling feeling created by sensory triggers. YouTube content creators offer hours of free sessions where you can find the triggers that give you the best feels. I have been lulled to sleep several times. For others it helps them concentrate. 

ASMR can seem pretty strange so it’s not for everyone. If you’re curious, consider the technical expertise and production aesthetic of ASMR Bakery, the good heartedness of JoJo’s ASMR and the creative, out-of-the-box stylings of ASMR Jeremiah. Or just jump on YouTube and start exploring.

Heart Light Breath

Have you ever done breathwork? My friend April guides sessions that include rhythmic breath, peaceful music and her attentive support. I have had enriching, profound experiences. I love how it feels like I’ve been on an adventure right from my bed. (Pretty handy during these stay-at-home times.) You can learn more about April and her work at Heart Light Breath.

Wim Hof Method (free lessons)

When grieving the loss of his wife, a Dutch athlete – also known as The Iceman – developed a method for improved health. I’d heard about the Wim Hof Method years ago but felt like the program was too demanding. One day during the pandemic, I had an urge to try it.

The method involves a daily breathing exercise and…a cold shower. You read that right. I was so opposed to it back then, and I’m so into it right now! I’ve experienced improved energy and mood. (I almost don’t recognize myself because I’ve been so happy.) Though there are programs one could pay for, I was able to get started easily with these free lessons.

Journey with Jayni Hypnotherapy (free videos)

Jayni has a calming, confident voice and says such encouraging things in her free YouTube videos. I have gone to sleep listening to her coaxing, soothing voice and had some of the deepest rests of the pandemic.

What are your hidden gems?

Have you discovered a treasured practice during the pandemic. Please share in the comments!