I went to Santa Barbara this weekend to visit some local hot springs. It felt long overdue that I got out of town to try something new!

My honey had the strangest thing happen with his hiking boots. They had served him well over the course of many years. On this particular day – with four miles to cover – they fell apart. Both of them!

He tried to hold them together with a piece of string – which worked pretty well for a while. Later he tried tying them up with grass – which lasted about ten steps! I asked passersby if they had duct tape or rope. But the trail was for day trippers so most people just had water, snacks, towels and bathing suits.

He kept a great attitude throughout the day – sometimes exasperated and other times in a state of wonder at how these shoes were failing so spectacularly.

foot care

For a good part of the hike, he had to use the muscles in his feet to try to hold the shoes together while he walked. The result: sore feet!

I asked my sweetie if he’d like some tips on how to care for his feet. He said Yes! Here’s my recipe of self love for the feet.

1. Epsom Salt Bath

You can find epsom salts at a drugstore. It’s reasonably priced and easy to use. Fill up a clean container or bathtub with water at a warm temperature that’s pleasant for you. Add a handful of epsom salt and mix it around until it dissolves. Enjoy a foot bath or whole body bath.

2. Tennis Ball Massage

Place a tennis ball or similarly sized ball on the ground. Place your foot on the ball and roll the ball around so that your foot receives a massage. Experiment to find the pace of movement and level of pressure that suits you. (You can do this seated or standing.)

3. Moisturize

Rub coconut oil, massage oil or lotion on your feet. Pay attention to how nice it feels. Wonder why you don’t do this more often. Smile.

4. Ask for a Foot Massage

It can be so nice to allow someone else to do the nurturing for a while. Request a foot rub from a friend or loved one. Perhaps you could take turns. Or if your budget allows, try a professional massage or reflexology.

If you have other tips for the tootsies, share them below!


Photo by D. Torres