Last night at Cuddle Sanctuary’s opening circle, I posed a question to the group about the personal meaning freedom had for them. It was the eve of 4th of July of course, and the question was a tip-of-the-hat to the holiday. I didn’t anticipate how deep it would go. As individuals shared, I realized that this was a question that was on people’s minds daily. 

Yearning to breathe free

These are my favorite four words in the sonnet inscribed on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty. Do you feel that yearning in areas of your own life? I think it’s part of our human DNA. In Lady Liberty’s right hand is a torch. In her left is a tablet that says this: JULY IV MDCCLXXVI. July 4, 1776. 

Freedom we had to work for

Though each person last night only shared for just a few sentences, there was something it seemed we had in common. Struggle. I’ll speak for myself that there are areas in my life where I’ve felt trapped:

  • Trapped in my worries about money
  • Trapped in a job that felt safe but dull
  • Trapped in a mind that got depressed all the time
  • Trapped in a life of chronic loneliness

Over the years, I’ve fumbled and toiled and chipped away at these places until I finally made progress. Progress that I’m goddamned proud of. I think that’s my definition of freedom.

Making progress

The 4th of July honors the signing of the Declaration of Independence. We can also celebrate our quieter declarations – the progress we’ve made in our lives. Here’s mine:

  • I feel more prosperous than I ever have
  • I quit that job and have a quirky-ass unique career
  • I laugh more and enjoy my life much more
  • I am regularly surrounded by people who cherish me

Want to take a moment to reflect on your own progress? You can share it with me or with a friend or simply feel the pride of how far you’ve come.


Happy 4th of July!