The Sexualization of Platonic Cuddling
I got a call from the Dr. Phil show, and I was excited but not surprised. Since Cuddle Sanctuary opened its doors in 2014, we’ve been contacted by BuzzFeed, Comedy Central, the Washington Post and (be still by heart) Rolling Stone. But Dr. Phil? This was different;...

Dr. Phil Introduces Cuddle Sanctuary this Week!
I was driving to a cuddle event one Saturday afternoon in February when I received a call from the Dr. Phil show. They were seeking a professional cuddling expert to appear on the show. I was psyched at the opportunity for more people to know about us, and I love...

Cuddle Safety 101
It’s a daily occurrence for me to be in intimate spaces with people I just met. When folks hear about my cuddling profession, they always want to know: “How do you keep yourself safe?” I wish I could tell them just how safe I always feel. I feel safer in cuddle...
How Politics May Impact Access to Professional Cuddling
Last weekend, Fei and I went to Catalyst-Con - a conference about sexualtiy, acceptance and activism. Attendees included educators, coaches, activists, therapists, academics and others. You may wonder what Cuddle Sanctuary was doing at a conference about sexuality...

Designer Cuddle Experiences, Part 2
Earlier this month I shared Designer Cuddle Experiences such as the Music Lover's Cuddle and the Helping/Healing Cuddle. Today I have three more to share with you. "Practice Receiving" Cuddle For many of us - especially those in caregiving professions such as...

What If a Newcomer is Sitting Alone at a Cuddle?
If you've attended a cuddle event before - or even if you haven't - you probably know the feelings of nervousness or awkwardness a first-time attendee may experience. We've all been newbies once! While it's most likely that you'll settle in and have a blissful...

Designer Cuddle Experiences, Part 1
Cuddling is already fun - just as it is. Whether you’re holding hands with a family member or exchanging back rubs with a friend, the experience can be just...so…nice. You can also add some flair and variety to it with Designer Cuddle Experiences. (I’ve put them in...

How I Guilt Tripped Myself: The Pleasure Threshold
It was another lovely evening at Cuddle Sanctuary, and I was the facilitator. “We’re going to play a game called 'I’m the Boss’,” I told the group. “For one minute, you get to ask the whole group, or just certain individuals for anything you'd like.” I gave a few...

My Dark Night of the Soul
Lara Chandler is a professional cuddler and is in the midst of a deep dive into our training this year. She is an artist and idea woman. Lara emailed me last week with a brilliant idea about how to market Cuddle Sanctuary services and events. She was brimming with...

Do I Shut Up or Keep Talking?
When Adam* came in for his first session, he made a beeline for the lone chair in the far corner of the living room. I don't usually hold sessions in my living room. Or in chairs. But I was prepared. “The only touch I’d ever gotten as a child was abusive,” he’d shared...