Would I Cuddle With Someone Without Wearing a Mask?
A classic, delicious, delightful cuddle. On Sunday night I had a cuddle session with a client - gulp - unmasked! In truth, I didn't really have to gulp at all. I was able to relax and be present with my client knowing that we both made a conscious, sober, risk-aware...

The Hold-Your-Breath Hug
I discovered a pandemic hack that I'm quite thrilled about. I call it the Hold-Your-Breath Hug. The Hold-Your-Breath Hug is a way to get hugs back into your life while keeping Covid safety in mind. It begins with the wisdom that just as the phrase "safe sex" years ago...

What’s Your Legacy? Here’s Mine.
Maybe it has something to do with turning 50 last year. Maybe it’s because of the pandemic. My health is fine; I’m not going anywhere. But I have noticed in myself a shift in my attention towards legacy. It started six months ago. The dictionary speaks of legacy as a...

Do You Need an Emotional Release?
I'm feeling sorry for myself right now and probably need to shake some emotions loose. So I'm going to invite you to witness a real time experiment. I'm going to try my newly created "fake laugh" video and let you know how I feel after I follow along. ...

My Folks, The Vaccine, and Levia Love
I feel a lot of responsibility. Through the course of Covid, the mainstream world changed its understanding of the importance of human contact. This may mean a surge of interest in the services of professional cuddlers and a stream of newcomers at cuddle events. With...

Survey Results: Covid Safety At Cuddle Events
I sent out an anonymous survey exploring the possibility of offering cuddle events in July. More than 80 people who care about cuddling responded. Did it reveal a sure-fire approach that I'm ready to implement? No, but I didn't expect that. It did give me valuable...

Do you remember how to play?
Already today, I've emailed a legal document, took my supplements, reached out to a colleague, and set up an appointment. There will be more of the same tomorrow and the next day and the next. So. Much. Adulting. I find that being a grown up in this complex world...

The Day the Earth Stood Still
Old Movies My Dad used to tape old movies on the VCR and play his favorites over and over. A 1951 film, The Day the Earth Stood Still, was part of the pantheon. The film was about an advanced being coming to earth with a warning that human activities - in particular...

Need Help Finding a Cuddle Buddy Online?
I'm so happy to introduce you to Erin Tillman - Cuddle Sanctuary's Talent Spotlight for March 2021! I think Erin may be a bridge to a cuddle solution that you (or someone you know) may be seeking. Let me explain. People contact me pretty regularly looking for help...

How Do I Find a Cuddle Buddy Now?
A man contacted Cuddle Sanctuary to ask me for advice. "How do I find a Covid-safe cuddle buddy?" Good question. If you share this query, I'd like to lay out a plan for you. The first step - given that we're still in a pandemic - is to safely find people also seeking...