Want To Be On The Cuddle Channel?
Watching People Cuddle As months went by and the pandemic dragged on, I noticed an uptick of requests on our YouTube channel asking that I post more videos of cuddle sessions. I think people are seeking comfort and want to observe kindness. I don't blame them....

Thank Gawd For Therapy
I have a mystical side to me. Back when browsing bookstores was a thing, I used to enjoy visiting Thunderbolt Spiritual Books in Santa Monica. Though sometimes the incense burning was a little too pungent for my delicate nose, I adored running my fingers over piles of...

Cuddle Sanctuary Reunion
I don’t want to write this blog - because if I do, I’ll have to feel this. No thanks. The Pandemic March Through Time In March, nice people sent me emails to ask how I was doing. ‘How is Cuddle Sanctuary?” “How are you?” I was fine. I was busy creating online events...

Find a Covid-Safe Cuddle Buddy
My secret is out. I've been keeping a secret for months about how I've been able to navigate the pandemic and even thrive during it. (Hint: I've been doing a whole lot of cuddling. More on that scandalous truth in a moment.) We've turned a corner. July 2020 feels to...

Imposter Syndrome: A Celebration
I made it! I must be some sort of important badass to finally have imposter syndrome. According to my good friend Wikiipedia, imposter syndrome is the “psychological pattern in which one doubts one's accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being...

Systemic Racism and Our Broken Culture
Cuddle Sanctuary’s credo of being warmly welcoming to all was never good enough. Deep in my heart, I think I always knew that. Systemic racism is vicious; much more is needed to make things right in our broken culture. Cuddle Sanctuary is an organization founded and...

Will you cuddle with me? (video)
I searched for a client who wanted a cuddle session and was also comfortable with it being recorded and shared. Introducing Randy - he's an actor based in New York City and a lovely human being as you'll see. Randy wanted a session where I did most of the guiding. The...

A White Woman in the Business of Kindness
As the Founder of Cuddle Sanctuary, I wanted to share with you my position on racial equality: I'm for it. As a white woman in the business of kindness, it pains me to acknowledge that I've turned away from this issue again and again. Not because I don't care, but...

Virtual Professional Cuddle Sessions: Come On, Really? (video)
Last week, I gathered a group of professional cuddlers and we dove into the topic of providing virtual sessions. There was concern from among our ranks which was completely appropriate: Can we really provide a valuable experience? In this video, Fei Wyatt and I...

Less Robot, More Mammal
Apparently I’m not a robot. The pandemic has taught me that. No, I never thought I was actually a cyborg, but American culture is relentless. And Los Angeles is a relentless town. And I need to acknowledge that my personality must also enter into the equation. I’m...